quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2014

Mimicry in fishes

Aulostomus maculatus - trumpetfish mimicking with algae.
Photo by Simone Marques

Mimicry is a widely documented phenomenon in coral reef fishes, but the underlying relationships between mimics and models are poorly understood. Every fish have a special color in relation of your color's habitat as protection or opportunist behavior to feed or cheat their predator or prey. Also some fishes using some kind of colors or spots to communicate and distinguish yourself from another fish during their lifetime (juvenile to adult, female to male).

Here i suggest you 2 exciting papers about mimicry in reef fishes published by Sazima et al. 2005 and also Gagliano & Depczynski (2013).
Click in link bellow and enjoy know more about interesting features used by reef fishes..

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