sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2014

Marine debris

Example of Cleanup day Project in beaches of northeast coast of Brazil
Photo by Simone Marques

As a soup of plastic debris floating around our oceans... it's so sad to see most of debris produced by us going down to ocean and promote dangerous of aquatic ecosystems and species as marine turtles making mistakes with plastic debris as their preferential food is really a jellyfish. Most of this animals having suffering with this debris in our marine ecosystem and don't survive. This is not restricted about turtles but reaches marine birds, fishes, whales, dolphins and other marine organism that use or make mistake of their preferencial foods or refuges in their marine habitat. Also fisheries promote a lot of debris with fishnets and hooks where a lot of marine animals as birds, marine mammals and turtles can stay arrested and die.

Click on video bellow produced from Fantástico Report in Brazil and know more about the dangerous of debris in our marine ecosystems.

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