domingo, 27 de julho de 2014

Great White Shark Meeting

White Shark Carcharodon carcharias - photo by Google Images

Amazing moment with a Great White Shark! Click on the link bellow, enjoy and share!

Chicks Riding White Sharks Ocean Ramsey & Kimi Werne

quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014

Amazing moment with whale shark feeding

Photo by Adriana Basques

This amazing moment registered by underwater photographer Adriana Basques happened in Indonesia in few inches from her. 

Click on the link bellow, enjoy and share this unforgettable record with your friends!

What lurks beneath: Moment whale shark looks ready to swallow boat of fishermen

segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2014

Environmental Education with science access

Photo by National Museum of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil (FAPERJ)

Environmental education arrived to approach human to the nature and their animals. Can you imagine  or fell how marine life is in your hands? Many initiatives have brought the nature to people to fell and understand the high importance of the wild life for conservation. Recently the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro assembled a great exposition of marine organisms in evolutive scale since the sponges until dolphins. People can touch in every marine organism and fell the design and the texture.

Click on the link bellow to know more about this exposition, enjoy and share with your friends!

Para diversificar a educação e democratizar o acesso à ciência

sábado, 12 de julho de 2014

Coral Reefs Decline

After many years of human degradation in our marine ecosystems through pollution, overfishing and human occupation along to coast regions, coral reefs have declined.
Around last 40 years of coral reef studies and  monitoring in tropical regions several key species of this ecosystems reduced by overfishing and during this period the coral reef beginning to die... pollution arise at coast region and coral reefs beginning to die... many reef fish species beginning to disappear and going toward to local extintion..
To know more about what's happening with coral reefs click on the link bellow, enjoy and share with your friends!

quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014

Humpback Whale in migration to reproduce

Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae - Photo by Google Images

Humpback Whales need to migrate to hot waters to reproduce. In Brazil this amazing moment could be watch during their migration which this giant marine mammals swim from cold waters of Antarctica (Southern Hemisphere) to Northeast of Brazil mainly in Abrolhos region (Marine Park of Coral Reefs) where they reproduce.
Click on the link bellow and enjoy a Brazilian report of these animals being recorded recently in Rio de Janeiro coast.

Baleias jubarte se exibem no litoral do Rio

quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2014

Sardine Run and Meeting with Sharks

Shark's meeting with sardine run - Photo by Google Images

It's wonderful video of sardine run and amazing frenzy with sharks feeding! Click on the link bellow and enjoy this video!

Shark Explorers - Sardine Run 2013

terça-feira, 8 de julho de 2014

Great novel history about shark fins

Foto by Scuba Diving Site - Tiger Shark
Galeocerdo tigrinus
Foto by Google Images - Tiger Shark
Galeocerdo tigrinus

We are having several notices about the traffic of shark fins around the world mainly to satisfy the oriental culture of shark fins soups. Many environmental agencies are worried about this practice and have tried to reduce this action through manifestations among temperate and tropical coastal regions where shark populations have declined. Shark species became vulnerable mainly by the late maturation and fishing exploitation. Now we have to read and to generate huge conscience to defend this wonderful fishes and apex predators of our oceans.

Recently i have read one of chapter of a great novel by Eric Douglas about tiger shark in Caribben Sea and the tragic stories about the shark fins fisheries. Click on the link bellow and enjoy.

Sharks on Land, Chapter 1: A Story for Scuba Diving Readers